Summer Nanny 

Summer time in Canada is usually very short but very beautiful, it seems that everyone, from Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary , Toronto and Montreal want to pack 12 months of enjoyment into a short 3 month summer! and most of the population wants to take advantage of the great weather and sunny, warm days. To get full enjoyment many people look to a summer nanny to help them and their families get the best out of the season.

Whether you are hoping to hire a summer nanny or you are looking for a position as a summer nanny, this job can be a fun and learning time, but still a summer nanny must take their job and responsibilities seriously. 

Summers in Canada provide opportunity for those summer nannies that have special outdoor recreational skills or qualifications in areas like swimming, tennis, baseball and more. Many outdoor activities occur near rivers, lakes and swimming pools, so any form of qualifications or certifications in lifeguarding, or lifesaving are highly regarded.

During the summer there are many fairs, exhibitions, picnics, barbecues and “casual get togethers”  that offer chances for lots of fun and entertainment. This certainly makes it easier for summer nannies to provide amusement for the children that they are looking after, while having a good time! This array of entertainment also makes it interesting and exciting for summer nannies on their days-off… there is so much to do in the summer in Canada! Whether it’s hiking in the mountains in Victoria B.C. or visiting the summer homes north of Toronto, families want to be together.

Nannies can have a great impact on the children and families that they care for, as they are often together for extended periods of time, sometimes on a 24 hour basis. Summer nannies can be different as they are with their employer-family for a short time… 6 to 8 weeks! 

Often, the characteristics or requirements for a summer caregiver are different than those for a “regular” nanny. Because the summer is viewed as a less formal and more relaxed time, families may have holiday plans that include travel or relocation to cottages, summer homes or recreational vehicles.  This means that the families are looking for nannies that are flexible in regards to location, amenities and travel. If you are a potential summer nanny looking for a different way to spend your summer, this could be a great chance to see the Canada!

If you are looking for a summer nanny to relocate to your cottage or summer house or to travel with you and your family, then you need to look for a summer nanny that fills your specific needs. You want to make sure that your summer nanny is prepared for the unique requirements of cottage life or trailer travel!

 As a nanny, you want to have a good idea of where you will be going, how long you will be staying and how near you are to the closest major city! Both the employer and the employee may want to make arrangements for temporary cell phones, they are important in the event of emergencies or just to stay in-touch…Canada is a very big country!

Nanny Services (  is the biggest and best online nanny and babysitting agency, which enables parents to search for and directly contact nannies and babysitters in their area.